Stephanie Davis

Creative Designer & Writer

Photography Website Case Study

Creative process to develop a client website showcasing photography

Project Overview:

For my first Web Design project, I worked with a client to create a website. My client requested a website to showcase his photography. It has been a hobby but now he is interested in creating a business. I decided to use a WordPress theme to create the website.

The Challenge:

There were several challenges with this task. First, I had no exposure or experience with web design. Second, taking on a client was risky because not only did I have to figure out how to build a photography website, but I was dealing with someone’s passion and wanted to make sure they were pleased with the final product.

It was very important for me to use my emerging media skills to bring my client’s vision to life. My goal was to conduct research and design a site better than either of us imagined.

The Solution:

Before I began work on my client’s website, I conducted a google search for other photography sites to research how photographers showcase their work. Surprisingly, many of the sites were set up to sell a service, which was not what my client was ready to do. He wanted a design utilizing galleries organized by genre that featured his work, similar to an art gallery.

Once my client set expectations of how he wanted the site laid out, I began searching for WordPress themes. After reviewing the options with my client, he selected one. After several attempts to build a site, the template was not responding well. I searched for another option and found one that seemed to support what my client and I had discussed. I added some content to it so he could envision his own work on the site and consulted with him — and he loved it! The theme we settled on is called Scapeshot.

Image of the home/front cover page of Scapeshot WordPress theme
Scapeshot theme used for inspiration to create the client site

We had already selected the home screen image for the original theme. I added it to the Scapeshot theme prior to our consultation, and he was onboard immediately.

Homepage image for client’s photography website
Homepage image for client website

Because I was not familiar with the theme, I carefully went through every option it offered to determine what I could take advantage of. If I was not sure of how to complete a task, I quickly resolved through research. I used a significant amount of customization on the site including CSS, plug-ins, widgets, and many of the theme options that were available.

Draft versions of one of the photo galleries (left) and menu (right)

After several drafts and a final consultation, my client requested the images in the gallery be clickable, so they could be enlarged and then viewed. However, he also asked that the pictures be secure. I found plug-ins for both and used them to create the final gallery, and to give my client peace-of-mind that we had taken measures to secure his work.


Designing the site was easy, but customizing was challenging because I had never done it before, but I now have a new appreciation for it. The creativity it takes to build a website is something I desire to continue to improve. However, my client is very happy with the end result. I will continue to work with him long-term to update it and make improvements.

Because my client’s needs were unique, his site does not look similar to many of the other photography websites I researched. That part is refreshing because I was able to partner with my client and successfully provide him with an opportunity to gain exposure, and grow his photography business.

Final home screen, menu, genre, and gallery (top left to bottom right)

I will continue to work with a variety of clients and build my portfolio. It is important for me to show I am flexible and can provide creative services for different types of businesses.

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